The ATD Nashville Chapter Board is comprised of leaders, just like you, interested in serving others.
We invite engagement from all ATD members at any time as the leadership council requires volunteers throughout the year. Current roles include programs, finance, professional development, membership, technology, sponsorship, and special events. The contact information of current board members is located on under About Us > Board Members.
For your reference, all board meeting notes, annual financial updates, and digital "tool kits" of roles are posted in the "Members Only" section of our website.
Please join us. Voluntary organizations like ATD require service from great leaders.
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 616 303 445 Password: atdboard One tap mobile +16465588656,,616303445#,,#,790783# US (New York) +13126266799,,616303445#,,#,790783# US (Chicago) Dial by your location +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) Meeting ID: 616 303 445 Password: 790783
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