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Virtual Chapter Meeting: Imposter Syndrome Steals Talent: Spot it and Stop it!

  • Wed, March 19, 2025
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Zoom



Imposter Syndrome Steals Talent:

Spot it and Stop it!

Virtual Chapter Meeting

Imposter Syndrome is stealing your talent and opportunities! When you have imposter syndrome, you feel inadequate, like a fraud, undeserving of your position or success - despite evidence that you are fully qualified and deserving.

In this session, we will learn to spot our own internal imposter monster and gain resources and techniques to help us stop it effectively.

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CT

Members: FREE

Non-Members: $20

About the Facilitator:

Betty Dannewitz is an Immersive Experience Designer with over 20 years in corporate learning and development. She is also a Speaker, Podcaster, and Learning Strategy Consultant. Betty’s passion is to help people become better humans and she advocates that innovative technology, like augmented reality, has a HUGE role in making that happen.

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