Ty Wheeler (TrainingPros) works with L&D consultants on a regular basis. Her invaluable insights will help you understand what it takes to succeed as a freelancer in the ever-changing environment of Learning and Development.
In this session, she will discuss:
a) Showcasing your work and discussing your successes with potential clients
b) Finding your niche
c) Getting paid and navigating 1099s
Perhaps you’ve been considering performing consulting work as a side-hustle. Maybe you’re tired of working for others and want to know what it takes to work for yourself. You could also be a decision-maker, wondering what value a consultant might be able to bring to your organization’s talent development efforts. If any of these is the case, this session is for you.
Ty Wheeler | TrainingPros | Relationship Manager
Topic: Positioning Yourself as an L&D Consultant
Meeting ID: 861 6942 1560
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