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Chapter Meeting- Mentoring at BBBS and your organization

  • Thu, January 19, 2017
  • 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
  • 1704 Charlotte Ave, #130
  • 28


Registration is closed

Every leader has a long list of mentors.  Perhaps you have been a mentor for hundreds of people.  Perhaps you are seeking a mentor for some skill or experience.   Our neighbors at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Nashville, TN are nationally recognized for their expertise in mentorship.  

Join us as we learn from CEO, Carlyle Carroll, and his team about what they do that is so remarkable.  Then discuss how you can replicate their successful approaches in your organization.  Or in your personal career development.

Limited to 60 participants.  Free to members; $20 for guests.  Free parking behind the building or on the streets nearby.

Please donate to this tremendous organization at http://www.mentorakid.org

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