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eLearning / Instructional Design SIG

  • Thu, July 28, 2016
  • 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
  • Mack & Kate's Cafe, 3078 Maddux Way, Franklin, TN 37069


  • non-ATD Nashville Member

Registration is closed

 Are you currently facing an elearning or ID challenge in your workplace?  Want to get some new ideas/solutions from others in your field?


Join us at Mack & Kate’s Cafe in Franklin (www.mackandkatescafe.com) for an open discussion of those challenges, a little networking, and some great food.  We have reserved a private dining room at the restaurant, and we are required to give them a firm head count prior to the meeting date.  Therefore, you must register by 11:00pm on July 24th in order to attend!  There’s no charge to attend the meeting, but any food/drink purchases are the responsibility of each individual attendee.  We hope to see you there!

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