Join us at The Consultant’s SIG.
In 2016, we will meet on the third Monday of the month from 6:00 p.m.- 7:30 p.m. at Cool Springs Brewery in the back room, 600A Frazier Dr #135, Franklin, TN 37067.
This SIG is designed to meet the unique needs of ATD Nashville’s consultant members. We always have lively conversations on topics related to talent management. Please join us to network, share needs and gather resources. Themes vary monthly.
In May and June will will focus on the topic of positive psychology in consulting. You may know that there is recent research in mental health and flourishing, at individual and organizational levels. That research is summarized by the PERMA model (positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning/purpose, and accomplishments.) One notable author is Seligman (2011), the former president of the American Psychological Association; applications range from the U.S. Army to British Healthcare System to individual consulting practices. Please join us for as lively conversation.
The SIG is open to all consultants (internal, external, and those considering becoming one). We encourage you to join us to:
• Meet people who have a broad range of consulting experience.
• Bring a current work challenge, idea, reading topic, or new tool to add to the group discussion.
• Relax and enjoy socializing with a great group of ATD Nashville people.
• Enjoy a delicious dinner with great conversations.
Register and join us on Monday, May 16 at 6:00 pm.
If you have any questions about the SIG contact Doug Gray at or Mark Kenny at We hope to see you shortly!