Join the OD-SIG team Thursday April 7th 6:00 - 7:30PM as we explore "what works" for 21st Century Talent and Organization Development, and the resulting implications for practitioner expertise and success-in-role. A panel of graduate students from the Vanderbilt Organization Leadership program and/or MTSU Industrial/Organization Psychology program will describe how these concepts are represented in curricula and student development. In comparison, OD-SIG practitioners will share their past experience and foresight for practitioner effectiveness.
Bring YOUR ideas, questions, and current work challenges, because this workshop will be full of valuable ideas you can apply right away for personal value.
We will meet at ECO-ENERGY Suite 500, 6100 Tower Circle, Franklin TN. ( map ).
This entertaining session is equally relevant to all Talent and Organization Development professionals, as well as HR Business Partners, and Line Managers at any level. Please invite your colleagues who may be interested to join the discussion.
The OD-SIG meets on the first Thursday of each month. Our group's focus is not limited to Organization Development; we explore all aspects of organization and talent effectiveness. We use a rotating meeting format: a "structured" session that may include a speaker or facilitated activity one month, followed the next month with an "unstructured" session at a local restaurant where we combine topical discussion with networking and socializing.
If you have questions, please contact Rob Bateman at or Jennifer Moehlmann at
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